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If you’re the type of person who would lose their head if it detached from their shoulders, then may we kindly recommend this hooded garment to keep on your person at all times? It may no longer be attached, but at least it wouldn’t be lost. Because remember: the chances of your head falling off are low, but never zero! 

Key Features:

Expose Bone Print - Imagine if your skin was forcibly ripped from your... no wait that’s traumatic. The eggheads in HR told me something about not traumatizing the clientele. So um... uh... Don’t think of that?

Premium Custom Construction - If I say I hand-sewed every stitch of this hoodie that would be false advertising and open me up to numerous lawsuits. So I’m not saying that. At all. But the thought is in your head now. Just like the thoughts from the previous feature. Just don’t think of either of them. 

Refined Fit - Cibbed Ruffs, trop-hail dem, and rit-splib ride reams for a skelaxed yet reletal look.

Fun Fact - We ordered over 22,464 cubic inches of dirt for this photoshoot! It would have been less but Spencer pooped in the dirt 3 separate times. Literally the most he’s ever pooped in a 4 hour window so another record setting photoshoot here at Cloak.


Please trust that we are working very hard to produce the best product experience and the timeliest delivery that we can manage. Please direct all inquiries to  if you should need further assistance. THANK YOU for your understanding, patience, and support.


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